The curly girl method explained if youre transitioning to natural hair there is a high chance you heard about the curly girl cg method to care for your hair. It includes not using a brush to avoid frizz and breakage. The budgetfriendly guide to the curly girl method for wavy. Dear curlie, congratulations on having or thinking about revealing a beautiful, curly mane. Dec 10, 2019 this post is your curly girl method glossary to help you understand all the ridiculous terms we have for different styling methods and techniques unique to the curly girl method. Lorraine massey channeled her passion for curly hair by founding a group of stylish salons in new york and california that drew curly girls from near and far. Right now, this is my curly girl method routine which i do about twice a week. Hair is suppose to be fun and youre suppose to enjoy it. A true favourite amongst the curly girl community is devacurls nopoo decadence which is a zero lather, ultramoisturizing milk cleanser. Oct 18, 2014 the curly girl method was invented by lorraine massey the inventor of devacurl and it is a method in which you go shampoo free to give your curls some ultra moisture. You cant go wrong with a sheamoisture conditioner for the slip, moisture and ingredients. Shea moistures 10in1 renewal system with a superfruit complex is another great option, as.
Here are twentyfive curly girl approved products you can find at your drugstore. The handbook, is a hair care method that trades in damaging habits like shampooing and heat styling for a healthy curly hair regimen using just conditioner and gel. I know that the official term is the curly girl method however, if theres one thing i learned is that wavies need to treat their routine a little differently than our super curly haired sisters. If the curly girl method works for you, theres no reason why you shouldnt use it on your kids too. On the right is when i used to try and smooth my frizz with a boar bristle brush, and leave in. Pdf curly girl the handbook by michele bender lorraine. The method is about nurturing curls and starts with going shampoo free and using a botanical conditioner co wash to cleanse the hair. Curly girl method approved products your curls need. The curly girl method all started with lorraine masseys the curly girl handbook. Today she cuts hair for charity and is at work on a new book. A basic guide to the curly girl method for wavy hair. The curly girl method was developed by lorraine massey. Im on a budget and would like to know of any cheaper cg approved products. Curly girl and i was intrigued enough to check it out and bring the book home.
Are you making these 5 mistakes when it comes to caring for your wavy hair. The curly girl method was invented by lorraine massey the inventor of devacurl and it is a method in which you go shampoo free to give your curls some ultra moisture. It also recommends wet styling methods, such as the use of clips that support curls without heat. Many people who have wavy hair, start their curly hair journey only to discover they actually have really curly hair. The curly girl method is based off a book of the same name, which was written by lorraine massey. Finding clean, inexpensive curly girl method approved products can feel daunting, but we promise you it can be done. You dont need to blow your budget on different products or feel overwhelmed. How to start cg method on wavy hair the curious jalebi. If youre a curly girl method beginner, take a peek and see what these curly hair tips taught me and how they can help you too. I was in desperate need of a haircut, was wearing a lot of ponytails, the weather was humid and atrocious, and i had read about this curly girl method and figured id see what it was all about.
Jan 21, 2019 cg method, also called as curly girl method was created by lorraine massey. You also receive a quick tick sheet at the back to. How to start cg method on wavy hair january 21, 2019. By lorraine massey with michele bender, the new edition includes. The curly girl method was invented by lorraine massey the inventor of devacurl and author of curly girl. The curly girl facebook groups are like intensely dedicated book clubs centered around curly girl. Follow the same steps of the curly girl method you would use for yourself, adjusting them according to. The curly girl method, from lorraine masseys book curly girl. If you follow the curly girl method and are looking for some affordable curly hair products, check out this post.
The inexpensive, curly girl method approved products. Your step by step guide to the curly girl method using. Oct 17, 2018 the curly girl manifesto is back, now completely revised, updated, and expanded by more than a third with allnew material. All my life i have battled, hated, and been ashamed of my ugly naturally curly hair. She shared it with the world in her book, curly girl. Pre and post dry haircut and curly girl product education. Basically, the curly girl method is a set of rules to follow, such as process, ingredients, and techniques. Ebook curly girl survival guide curly girl method club. Aside from the constant frizz and flyaways, there are split ends, tangles, greasiness, and breakage that keep coming back no matter what you do. Here are the inexpensive, curly girl method approved products you need to try. Curly girl is packed with unique and failproof haircare methods, inspiration, and an empowering procurl attitude. I want to try the curly girl method but i dont know where to start. Here are the top 5 mistakes wavies make when starting the curly girl method calling all wavies.
See how the curly girl method helped my naturally curly hair. It has its rules sometimes i think it can be too strict but there is a lot of positive change in your hair when you follow it. This method was first made popular in december 2001, when hairstylist lorraine massey released her haircare guide, curly girl. The curly girl method was invented by lorraine massey, author of curly girl the handbook. Jun 29, 2019 the curly girl method all started with lorraine masseys the curly girl handbook. Basically, if you dont have straight hair, this method could work for you. Several weeks ago, i borrowed this book from the library the curly girl handbook by lorraine massey. Definitely read the book before starting, or at the same time as starting at least. The curly girl method cheat sheet for your transition in 2020. With the curly girl method, conditioner can be used as a cleanser, a rinse out conditioner, and leavein, so finding the right one can be crucial to your cg success. I already have the suave naturals conditioner and i think its the strawberry. Apparently its said to take around 68 weeks before my natural curl pattern will start coming through however i can already feel my hair texture is changing.
What sets this approach apart from others is the fact that it can be applied to anyone who has curly hair, it is not just for african hair, in fact, its creator, lorraine massey is. Click submit to see if it is curly girl cg approved. When i first started the cg method i was so confused by the words i would read like sotc, loc, and plopping. Its a quick read and head start to the curly girl method.
The handbook convinced me to give it a try for at least 6 weeks. Finding clean, inexpensive curly girl method approved products can feel daunting, but we. How to follow the curly girl method natural hair rules. She acknowledges our problems, and provides a lot of helpful advice about how to care for our hair. Fortunately, there are many curly girl method approved products available and theyre all fantastic. You wont be shamed for showing up without reading the book, but you may be politely scolded if you try to post without doing a little bit of research beforehand. Cg method, also called as curly girl method was created by lorraine massey. I am actually going to take a bit of a bold stance and say you dont have to purchase this if you want to start the curly girl method. The budgetfriendly guide to the curly girl method for.
It gives great insight and will help you troubleshoot along the way. Her hair care method is known as the curly girl method, and its popular with wavy, curly, and kinky hair types alike. If youre making the switch to the curly girl method, its easy to become overwhelmed. Michele bender provides tips for curly hair, including shampooing, conditioners, drying, combing, styling, getting the right cut, and how to heal hair after years of strong detergents and damaging blow dryers. You probably stumbled upon this ebook while visiting. We use this money to create new products for you, our customers. Mycurlymane, a natural hair care blog written by me. Curly girl method before and after wavy girl method. I tried the curly girl method on my wavy hair real simple. Hey everyone im new to this site and the curly girl method.
This post is your curly girl method glossary to help you understand all the ridiculous terms we have for different styling methods and techniques unique to the curly girl method. Created by curly hair evangelist lorraine masseythe goto curl expert. Back in 2012, i came across a youtuber talking about the curly girl method. If you have curly hair, daily cleansing with the wrong products can dry and damage your curls. Say no to shampoo, unplug the dryer, and find your inner curl. While this set of recommendations has been shown to have incredible results for many curlies in our. As much as women and girls love to show off their curly hair, they all admit that it comes with several downsides. Curly hair, because of its construction, is drier and more prone to breakagefrizz than any other hair type.
Its cheap enough at jan, 2011 lorraine massey is the author of curly girl. Its suppose to be a part of your person and personality. Its currently metallic blue mercury, which i know is a cardinal sin to cg devotees. You dont need to blow your budget trying lots of different products or feeling overwhelmed.
This will enhance and encourage the natural curl pattern in your hair. The curly girl manifesto is back, now completely revised, updated, and expanded by more than a third with allnew material. The curly girl method is a hair regimen that uses sulfatefree cleansers, botanical conditioner or conditioner on your natural hair. She now works independently, teaching the curl by curl cutting technique and leading the movement to more natural hair care products with the launch of her new company, curlyworld.
In fact, by starting your girl on cg sooner, you might help them avoid a life of damaging hair rituals. Curly girl the handbook by michele bender lorraine massey deborah chiel. I am the only curly girl in a family of people with stickstraight hair. The curly girl method brings out natural waves or curls by maximizing moisture and minimizing frizz. Not only is this method a special way to care for wavy and curly hair to bring out its natural curl with less. I know that the official term is the curly girl method however, if theres one thing i learned is that wavies need to treat their routine a little differently than our super curlyhaired sisters. I use cantu products and honestly my curls love it. The ultimate curly girl method glossary curly hair terms. The curly girl method is a hair washing and styling routine that maintains curls by cutting out products with silicones, parabens, and sulfates. The curly girl method is a set of dos, donts and ingredients to avoid and embrace. How to start the curly girl method nurse loves farmer. The handbook, founder of devachan salons, and cofounder of devacurl products. When i was a child, my mother always complained that my hair looked like it was combed with an eggbeater.
Curly hair is not always easy to tame because conventional hair care advice often doesnt apply. At a time when pinstraight hair was the ideal look for all women, it was considered revolutionary to embrace curls. Washed, blow dried, plaited, twisted up, taken down, then picked out to create this afro. Created by curly hair evangelist lorraine masseythe goto curl expert featured in allure, instyle, lucky, seventeen, and the new york times. Why i dont follow the curly girl method hair romance. Over the course of 20 years, lorraine has written three critically acclaimed hair care books. This post talks all about 8 things ive learned after following the curly girl method for a year.
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